Anyone else dedicated a room to a gym and then found that it is not used enough to warrant the space it takes up?
Well, that is exactly what has happened to us. The exercise bike has moved into a change room and the treadmill lies dusty and unused!
I have now decided to make the room into in a spare room as it has an outside door so friends can have their own entrance. It has also one of the best views of the river and mountains, so seems a shame that someone cannot lie in bed and enjoy this magnificent view. I am busy painting it a soft army green as this is where I am displaying all the family history. I have a lot of pictures, uniforms, medals and memorabilia from my – and Richard’s – family (they were all in the war) so am very happy to see these precious things out on display.
I keep the paint samples in a little photo book that was given out free when we used to get our photos developed at the local chemist. Remember doing this?